Opiod Epidemic Initiatives - In The News

News & resources for dealing with the opioid epidemic.

NSA is actively involved in dealing with the opioid epidemic. If your office would like to be considered for small donations of Naloxone (Narcan ®) and you haven’t yet started a program, please contact Fred Wilson at fwilson@sheriffs.org.

(COAP) Solicitation

(COAP) Solicitation

Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based ProgramFY 2019 Competitive Grant AnnouncementApplications due June 5, 2019The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking applications to plan and implement...

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Sessions unveils plan . . .

Sessions unveils plan . . .

Sessions unveils plan to keep narcotics officers on the job longer in wake of opioid crisis By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Thursday, May 3, 2018 Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday that keeping federal investigators on the job past retirement will...

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