Jail Officer Training & Certification
professional designation to jail officers, supervisors, administrators and sheriffsJail Certification Programs
NSA has created the Jail Certification Program to provide professional designation to jail officers, supervisors, administrators and sheriffs who possess the requisite understanding, knowledge, skills, experience and abilities to function to the level of their achieved certification.
Areas of focus include:
Basic Training
Correctional Law
Planning & Preparation
Personnel Management
Jail Operations
General Requirements
All applicants, regardless of level, must possess the following requirements:
- U.S. citizen or a citizen of a country in which the U.S. does not have sanctions – provide a copy of valid passport of birth certificate
- At least 21 years of age – provide a copy of valid driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, or military I.D.
- No felony convictions – letter from agency head on agency letterhead with dates of employment and lack of felony
- No dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military (for U.S. Veterans only) – copy of DD-214 form, if in the reserves show proof of status
- Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or certification board within the past 10 years nor subject under any such investigation – letter from agency head on agency letterhead stating such
- Current NSA Active or Auxiliary Membership Join Today
Once you have completed the registration process, an email will be sent to you with the applications necessary for each certification. Mail all certification materials to:
National Sheriffs’ Association
ATTN: Jail Certification
1450 Duke St
Alexandria, VA 22314
Once Certification is complete, the recipient will receive a certificate via email, be listed on NSA’s web site and in Sheriff and Deputy magazine, and be recognized at the next NSA Annual Conference.

NSA Jail Certifications
For all officers, including line level staff. It can be used as a basic training program and covers jail officer responsibilities, chapter and comprehensive examination and certificate upon completion.
To be completed within twelve (12) months of formal application acceptance
General Requirements (see section above for more information)
Specific Requirements
Minimum of 65 total certified hours. Must submit proof of completion of courses (i.e. certificate of completion, transcript, etc.) Course Options:
Online courses – 1-5 hours, dependent upon the course
Live Seminars
Through NSA’s Winter or Annual Conferences – hours based on the number of in-classroom hours per seminar or workshop
Testing (if applicable): 75% Accuracy
Work Experience: No minimums required
Fee $195
For all jail supervisors and jail administrators. Based on case law, liability, personnel management, planning and preparation and jail operations, CJS curriculum primary focus is running constitutional jails.
To be completed within twenty-four (24) months of formal application acceptance
General Requirements (see section above for more information)
Specific Requirements:
Minimum of 25 total certified hours. Must submit proof of completion of courses (i.e. certificate of completion, transcript, etc.) Course Options:
Online courses – 1-5 hours, dependent upon the course
Live Seminars
Through the National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO) – hours based on the number of in-classroom hours
Through NSA’s Winter or Annual Conferences – hours based on the number of in-classroom hours per seminar or workshop
Testing (if applicable): 100% Accuracy
Work Experience: Two (2) years minimum work experience in jail, detention facility or support.
Fee $345
For all sheriffs, jail administrators and supervisors. Based on case law, liability, personnel management, planning and preparation and jail operations, CJS curriculum requires more knowledge and experience to focus on running constitutional jails.
To be completed within twenty-four (24) months of formal application acceptance
General Requirements (see section above for more information)
Specific Requirements:
Minimum of 40 total certified hours. Must submit proof of completion of courses (i.e. certificate of completion, transcript, etc.) Course Options:
Online courses – 1-5 hours, dependent upon the course
NSA will accept Certified Jail Manager (CJM) level American Jail Association (AJA) certification as a substitute of 16 hours towards CJE credit hours (proof provided by applicant)
Live Seminars
Through the National Institute for Jail Operations (NIJO) – hours based on the number of in-classroom hours
Through NSA’s Winter or Annual Conferences – hours based on the number of in-classroom hours per seminar or workshop
Through the National Sheriffs’ Institute (NSI) – 8 hours
Testing (if applicable): 100% Accuracy
Work Experience: Four (4) years minimum work experience in jail, detention facility or support.